Character creation
Players are now able to create new characters.
(We will add character customization in the future).
Rivers generation
NPC improvements
There was a lot of work on NPCs. In short, they've got new AI, multiplayer support, despawning mobs that are too far from the character, etc. So now our beloved fat camel Amarbun can safely roam around the desert, running away from potential danger (AKA you).
In addition, if you are into this, you can kill them now! :P
We have implemented swimming, both above and under water, with cool underwater effects.
Swimming animations are coming soon :)
New trees
We have designed new trees for the forest biome. These trees look simpler and also are more optimized (will result in better game performance).
We will add random variations for trees in the future.
Inventory menu
Implementing it to the game is in the process.
Bonus: this awesome skeleton!
Thats all for now. Stay tuned, because there will be more updates soon! By the way, do you already follow us on Twitter? :)